🏆 The Leader in Online English Speaking Course in India

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"OLDEST & FINEST" English Language School In India British School of Language

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Spoken English Course Online | India's Best English Speaking Class

Think you can't find a top-notch online English speaking classes in India? Think again. Our course at BSL British School of Language not only offers comprehensive language learning, but also provides you with the flexibility and convenience you need.

Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions or group classes, our online platform caters to your needs. Curious about how we can accelerate your English speaking skills? Stay tuned and you won't be disappointed.

Why Choose us

Choosing us for your English learning journey gives you the benefit of our extensive experience, comprehensive course structure, and unwavering commitment to your success. We've been helping learners master the English language since 2011, making us one of the oldest and most trusted institutes in India. We've earned this trustworthiness through years of consistent, high-quality service.

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to cover all crucial aspects of English communication, including grammar, vocabulary, group discussions, and practical activities. We pride ourselves on our accelerated learning program, which emphasizes English speaking skills. We offer both one-on-one and group classes, allowing you to choose the learning environment that suits you best.

Another advantage of choosing us is our flexible learning options. You aren't confined to a physical classroom. You can choose to learn online, offline, or a combination of both. This flexibility extends to our student support, which is available 24x7 via call, Whats app, email, and social media.

We understand that cost matters, and that's why we offer affordable fees starting at 2500 Rs/Month. To further ease the financial burden, we've an easy coupon redemption process for discounts. For your convenience, our study material is available on Amazon, Flip kart, and Google Books.

Finally, we understand the importance of trust and security in online transactions. We ensure secure transactions by verifying security parameters and being cautious of data input to avoid transaction errors.

Choosing us means choosing a partner invested in your English learning journey, a partner who'll not rest until you achieve your goals.

How We Work

Now that you're familiar with the comprehensive syllabus, it's time to understand how the process unfolds at BSL British School of Language. In our spoken English class, we've integrated a systematic approach to ensure effective learning. Each lesson is designed in a step-by-step manner, focusing on the four pillars of language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Our spoken English class isn't just about theory; we believe in practical learning. During your course, you'll engage in interactive sessions with experienced tutors who use modern teaching methods to make lessons engaging and effective. We focus on pronunciation, fluency, and confidence-building, using real-life situations, role-plays, and discussions to foster an immersive learning environment.

The first step is the placement test. It helps us understand your current English proficiency level. Based on your performance, we tailor a learning plan that suits your needs and goals.

Classes are held online, allowing you to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home. We incorporate multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises to make learning fun and engaging. You'll have access to extensive study materials, practice exercises, and periodic assessments to track your progress.

Our support doesn't end with the lessons. You'll have access to our learner community, where you can practise your English with fellow learners, participate in discussions, and share your experiences. We're committed to providing you with a comprehensive learning experience that goes beyond the traditional spoken English class.

Online Spoken English Course

Choosing the right online spoken English course can make a huge difference in your language proficiency as well as your overall personality development. With the advent of technology, language learning has become more accessible, convenient, and efficient. A spoken English online course offers a plethora of benefits that can empower you to communicate effectively and confidently in English.

A spoken English online course provides flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and time. You're not bound by the traditional constraints of a classroom setup. You can access your course material anytime, anywhere, facilitating continuous learning and improvement. It's also cost-effective, eliminating commuting costs and course materials are often available online for free or at a nominal price.

However, it's essential to choose the right course. Look for a course that provides a comprehensive curriculum, covering all aspects of the language from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and conversation. The course should also offer interactive sessions for practical application of the language.

Take into consideration the credentials of the course provider. Are they accredited? What's the feedback from former students? These are crucial factors that can influence the quality of your learning experience.

Factors to Conside Why It's Important
Comprehensive Curriculum Covers all aspects of the language
Interactive Sessions Allows practical application of the language
Feedback from Former Students Provides insight into the course's effectiveness

Online Spoken English Class with Personality Development

Enrolling in an online spoken English course not only enhances your language skills but also significantly contributes to your personality development. You'll find that such a course can boost your confidence, improve your communication skills, and even broaden your social and professional network.

When you engage in an online English speaking course, you're not just learning a language. You're also developing soft skills that are critical in today's globalized world. You'll learn to express yourself clearly, handle conversations with ease, and grasp the nuances of the English language that can set you apart in a crowd.

Consider the benefits. You can study from anywhere, anytime. You're not bound by location or schedules. The online platform provides you with the convenience to learn at your own pace, in your own space. Moreover, these courses often incorporate multimedia resources and interactive elements that make learning engaging and fun.

Now, it's crucial to choose a course that's right for you. Look for a course that focuses not just on language acquisition, but also on personality development. That includes aspects like public speaking, presentation skills, and even body language. After all, effective communication isn't just about what you say, it's also about how you say it.

Let's Master your Spoken English skills together

Now that you're aware of what to consider when selecting an online spoken English course, let's embark on your journey to mastering the English language together. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps towards fluency, or an intermediate speaker looking to polish your skills, the right online spoken English course in India can make all the difference.

The beauty of an online course is that it provides flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience. Imagine being able to practice spoken English from the comfort of your home or during a break at work. You aren't bound by geographical limitations; the world becomes your classroom.

The primary focus of our course is to enhance your spoken English skills. We work together on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. We believe that great communication isn't just about speaking but also about listening. So, our course includes listening exercises to sharpen your understanding of spoken English.

Moreover, our online spoken English course in India encourages interactive learning. We foster an environment where you can confidently express your thoughts and opinions in English. We provide constant feedback and correction, helping you to improve and grow with every session. Remember that mastering a language is a journey, not a race. It requires consistent practice and patience. But don't worry; you're not alone on this journey. We're here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Course Syllabus

Enrolling in this online spoken English course can catapult your linguistic skills to new heights, equipping you with the confidence and competence needed in today's globalized world. The benefits you'll reap from this course are manifold. Diving into the course syllabus, you'll find a comprehensive layout designed to systematically enhance your English speaking skills. Offering a meticulous yet flexible structure, the syllabus is tailored to help you master the intricacies of spoken English, irrespective of your current proficiency level.

Let's delve into the details of what the syllabus offers:
  • Grammar Fundamentals: Here, you'll revisit the basic rules of English grammar, paving the way for advanced concepts.
  • Vocabulary Building: This segment will enrich your word bank, enabling you to express your thoughts with greater precision and eloquence.
  • Pronunciation and Accent: You'll learn to pronounce words correctly and develop an accent that's globally understood.
  • Conversational English: This module will hone your interactive skills, enhancing your confidence in real-world conversations.
  • Public Speaking Skills: Learn to overcome stage fright, articulate your thoughts effectively, and captivate your audience.

The syllabus is designed to be dynamic, adapting to the evolving needs of learners. You'll find that each module is interconnected, creating a cohesive learning experience that's both engaging and comprehensive.

As you progress through the syllabus, you'll notice a marked improvement in your English speaking abilities. From understanding complex grammar rules to mastering the art of conversation, the course syllabus equips you with the skills needed to communicate confidently in any English-speaking environment.

In short, the syllabus is your road map to mastering spoken English. So gear up for an exciting journey that's sure to transform your language skills and open new horizons for you.

How this Course will Benefit you

Enrolling in this online spoken English course can catapult your linguistic skills to new heights, equipping you with the confidence and competence needed in today's globalized world. The benefits you'll reap from this course are manifold.

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Firstly, you'll learn spoken English in a practical, engaging environment. Forget rote memorization; this course is designed to improve your English by using it, not just studying it. You'll engage in conversations, debates, and presentations, all in English. This active learning approach helps you to not only remember new words and phrases but also to use them correctly in the right context.

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Secondly, the course provides you with personalized feedback. Your progress is tracked, and you're given targeted advice to improve your weaknesses. This individualized attention ensures that you're always improving and moving forward in your English journey.

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Thirdly, you'll gain confidence. Speaking a new language can be intimidating, but regular practice in a safe, supportive environment will boost your confidence. You'll soon find yourself speaking English more fluently and naturally.


Student's Feedback

It's not just about speaking English, it's about speaking it with confidence and fluency. We believe in making our students comfortable in their learning journey. Their success is our success.

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Akash Singh
English Speaking @ BSL

Let's dive into the ocean of feedback we've received from our students, their experiences might just inspire you to take the plunge. Our spoken English courses have been transformative for many, and they aren't shy about expressing their gratitude.

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English Speaking @ BSL

Take Ramesh, for example, who came to us with a burning desire to improve his English, but was held back by his apprehension. 'I always feared speaking English,' he says, 'but this course changed my life. Now, I can converse confidently.' This is the kind of transformation we aim to achieve with our spoken English courses.

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Priya Singh
English Speaking @ BSL

Then there's Priya, a professional who needed to improve her English for career advancement. She shares, 'The course is structured and easy to follow. My fluency has improved, and I'm no longer afraid to make presentations at work.'

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Aman & Rakhi
English Speaking @ BSL

Other students like Aman and Rakhi have applauded our flexible timings, understanding that everyone has different schedules. 'I could take classes at my convenience, which made learning more enjoyable,' says Aman. Rakhi adds, 'The teachers are patient and supportive, making the learning process less intimidating.'

Choose Your Plan

At BSL British School of Language, you'll find a variety of course plans tailored to fit your learning needs and schedule. It's important to choose your plan wisely, considering your current proficiency, available time, and learning objectives.

Each plan has its distinctive features, designed to cater to different learning objectives. So, you can choose your plan depending on where you stand today and where you wish to be in your English proficiency.
At BSL, we understand that learning is a journey that varies for each individual. Therefore, we've made our course plans flexible and customization, allowing you to learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

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Beginner's Course

Perfect if you're just starting out and need to get a handle on basic grammar and vocabulary.

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Intermediate Course

Ideal if you're looking to polish your spoken English and enhance your listening skills.

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Advanced Course

A great fit if you're aiming for fluency and want to master the nuances of the English language.

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Business English Course

Tailored for professionals who need to communicate effectively in the global business environment.

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IELTS Preparation Course

Designed to help you ace the IELTS exam and achieve your study abroad dreams.


While we've highlighted the advantages and features of our English speaking courses, you may still have some questions or concerns, so let's address those in the following FAQ section. Our mission isn't only to teach you spoken English but also to ensure you feel confident and comfortable while doing so.

Here are a few commonly asked questions:
  • Is there a trial class before I commit to the course? Yes, you're welcome to book a free demo lesson before deciding to enroll in our spoken English course.
  • What is the cost of the course? Our fees are affordable, starting at just 2500 Rs/Month, but they can vary depending on the course structure you choose.
  • Can I choose between one-on-one or group classes? Absolutely, we offer both options to cater to your learning preferences.
  • What if I've issues with online payments? Our 24x7 student support is available to assist you with any transnational problems you may encounter.
  • Are these classes recognized by any official bodies? Yes, our courses are recognized by the British Council, PTE & Apply Board.

Our spoken English classes are designed with your needs in mind. We aim to provide a comprehensive learning experience that goes beyond merely teaching the language. We believe in fostering an environment where you can comfortably express yourself in English, improve your communication skills, and gain the confidence to speak fluently in any situation. Remember, mastering spoken English is a journey, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

To get started with our spoken English course, there are a few basic requirements you'll need to meet. First, you'll need a basic understanding of the English language. This doesn't mean you need to be fluent; it means you should be able to understand simple sentences and express yourself in a basic way. Second, you should have a willingness to learn and improve. The desire to speak English better will motivate you to put in the necessary effort to improve your language skills.

Lastly, you'll need the right resources. This involves having a stable internet connection, a device such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone to access the course, and a quiet environment conducive to learning.

Here's a simple table to summarize what you need:
Requirement Description Why it's Important
Basic English understanding Ability to understand simple sentences and express yourself Provides a foundation to build upon
Willingness to learn Desire to improve your English speaking skills Motivates you to put effort into the course
Right resources Stable internet connection, a device to access the course, and a quiet environment Ensures you can access the course and learn effectively

Absolutely, you can attend online classes from anywhere, provided you have a reliable internet connection and the necessary learning tools. This is one of the many benefits of choosing an online spoken English course. You're not limited by geography or bound by a strict classroom schedule. You have the freedom to learn English at your own pace, in your own space.

Here are the top five reasons why you should consider online English classes:
  • Flexibility:You can schedule your classes according to your convenience. Whether you're a working professional or a student, you can balance your classes with your work or study schedule.
  • Accessibility: You can access your classes from anywhere. As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can learn English from the comfort of your home, a cafe, or even while traveling.
  • Personalized learning: Online classes often offer personalized learning experiences. You can learn at your own pace, focus on your problem areas, and get individual attention from your teacher.
  • Cost-effective: Online classes can be more affordable than traditional classroom courses. You save on commuting costs and often, online courses are priced more competitively.
  • Wide range of resources: You have access to a wide range of learning resources. From interactive video lessons to e-books and quizzes, you can use different tools to improve your English skills.

Yes, anyone with a desire to improve their English speaking skills can register for these online courses. Regardless of your proficiency level, whether you're a beginner struggling with basic grammar or a professional aiming to polish your business English, these courses are designed to cater to a wide spectrum of learners. They're open to people of all age groups, occupations, and educational backgrounds, empowering everyone to master the English language at their own pace.

These courses offer you the flexibility to learn from anywhere at any time. All you need is a good internet connection and a device to access the course materials. The online platform facilitates interactive learning sessions, where you can engage and participate actively, enhancing your learning experience.

While the courses are self-paced, you're not alone on this journey. Instructors will guide you through the course, providing feedback and assistance when needed. You'll have access to a wealth of resources, including video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums, making learning engaging and comprehensive.

You're encouraged to practice speaking English regularly in real-life situations. This practice, coupled with the course content, will help you gain confidence and fluency in English. Remember, consistency is key. You'll notice significant improvement in your English speaking skills if you're dedicated and persistent throughout the course.

To register, simply visit the course website, fill out the registration form with your details, and choose the course that suits your needs. Start your journey towards fluent English today! It's never too late to learn and grow.

Understanding the fee structure for the online English speaking courses is vital before you start your learning journey. It's important to know not only the cost but also the value for your money. The fees for these courses may vary depending on a multitude of factors.

  • Duration of the Course: The length of the course plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. Typically, longer courses will cost more than shorter ones.
  • Type of Course: Are you opting for a basic, intermediate, or advanced course? The complexity level of the course also affects the fee structure.
  • Mode of Learning: One-on-one classes tend to be pricier than group classes. If you prefer personalized attention, be ready to shell out a bit more.
  • Course Material: Some courses include the cost of learning resources in their fee structure, while others might charge separately.
  • Certification: If the course offers a certificate upon completion, this might also be factored into the cost.

Now that you're clear on the fee structure, let's explore the kind of study materials you can expect when you enroll in an online English speaking course. Yes, indeed, you'll be provided with a myriad of study materials when you sign up for these classes. These resources are designed to supplement your learning, broaden your understanding, and enhance your grasp of the English language.

The materials typically include structured curriculum content covering grammar, vocabulary, activities, and group discussion. You'll receive comprehensive textbooks, workbooks, and handouts, all packed with exercises and practical tasks to hone your skills. You'll also find audio-visual aids that simulate real-life situations, helping you to pick up conversational English faster.

Moreover, most of these courses offer unlimited access to an online library. This is a treasure trove of resources, where you can find additional reading materials, audio books, and educational videos. It's an excellent way to immerse yourself in the language and culture, which is crucial for language learning.

Some courses also offer study materials on platforms like Amazon, Flip kart, and Google Books. You can purchase these if you wish to have a physical copy. However, all necessary materials will be provided online, so this is entirely optional.

Lastly, remember that these materials are meant to guide you, but your progress ultimately depends on your commitment and practice. So, make sure to utilize these resources to the fullest. After all, language learning is a journey, and these materials are your map and compass. So, embark on this adventure with confidence and excitement!

In an online English speaking course, you'll find plenty of opportunities to address any doubts or questions you may have during the class. These classes are designed to offer you an interactive, engaging experience, so you're encouraged to actively participate and clarify your doubts as they arise.

The course instructors are there to help you understand the nuances of the English language and guide you towards mastery. They're always open to your questions and ready to clear up any confusion you may have. Don't hesitate to ask questions, whether they're about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or even cultural contexts. Your curiosity will only enhance your learning experience.

Here are some ways you can clarify your doubts during the class:
  • Live interaction: You can ask your questions directly during the live class. The instructors will be happy to provide immediate answers and explanations.
  • Discussion forums: These are great platforms to raise queries and engage in discussions with peers and instructors.
  • Private messaging: If you feel shy or your question requires detailed explanation, you can send a private message to your instructor.
  • Office hours: Some courses offer dedicated 'office hours' where instructors are available to address your queries.
  • Emails: If your doubt isn't urgent, you can drop an email to the instructor. They'll get back to you with a detailed response.

When it comes to paying for your online English speaking course, you'll find several convenient options at your disposal. Whether you're tech-savvy or prefer traditional methods, there's a payment method that suits your comfort level.

The most popular choice is online payment. You can use your credit or debit card with ease, knowing that our secured gateway ensures your details are safe. If you're an avid user of mobile wallets, you'll be glad to know we accept payments through popular platforms like Paytm, Google Pay, and PhonePe.

For those who prefer net banking, we've got you covered. You can transfer fees directly from your bank account, an option that offers both speed and security. Moreover, if you're an international student, we accommodate payments through PayPal, keeping your convenience in mind.

We understand that not everyone is comfortable with online transactions. Thus, we also offer the traditional method of bank transfer. You can deposit your course fees directly into our bank account.

Another option is paying by cheque. You can send us a cheque in the name of our institution, and once it clears, your enrolment process will move forward. Lastly, if you're in the vicinity of our physical location, you can opt to pay in-person at our office.

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